Friday, September 4, 2009

Setelah mengisi acara pesta 10 Tahun referendum Timor Leste di Dili, KD berhadiah pisah dari Anang, siapa penyebabnya?

Tidak mengerti siapa yang memulai menyebarkan isu sehingga anaknya pun harus menjadi saksi untuk menghukun orang tuanya untuk becerai. Seperti dalaporkan dalam berbagai media tulis dan electronik, cikal bakal pemicu perceraiannya dengan suaminya adalah khabar bahwa iha berselingkuh dengan seorang pengusaha muda Timor Leste. Semua orang bertanya-tanya siapa pengusaha ita ada yang mengatakan Rui, ada pula yang belang Raul. Setelah dikabarkan oleh harian STL, yang benar adalah senhor Raul dos Reis Lemos, seorang pengusaha muda yang telah memenangkan beberapa proyek pemerintah Timor Leste senailai lebih dari $2 Juta atau (lebih dari Rp20 Miliar) dalam tahun 2008 dan 2009, antara lain construksi Gudang di Tibar, rehabilitasi Jalan Laclubar - Natrbora, kerja sama dengan perusahaan Marabia dan Tinulina untuk memperbaiki jalan dan trotoar di Dili. Seperti dikhabarkan “Amor” yang dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah cinta, yang pernah didengar anaknya, bahwa KD kadang menelpon dengan kata Amor, atau mungkin salah dengar karena seperti dikatan KD bahwa iha hanya berurusan denga “Beliau” dalam urusan bisnis oleh karena itu barangkali Raul menyebut nama perusahaannya yang bernama ATRAMOR.
Semua sudah terjadi namun hal sangat memukul Anang sebagai keluarga yans soleh, namun ia harus terpaksa menelan pil pahil hadiah dari istrinya setelah menghadiri undangan dari Pemimpin Negara Timor Leste. Barangkali Raul sendiri bisa bertanggung jawab atas apa yang terjadi yang disaksika oleh anaknya KD dalan infotainment beberapa waktu lalu.
Marsyarakat Timor Leste juga ikut prihatin atas apa yang terjadi yang telah memalukan yang dapat berakibak hubungan tidak baik sesama rakyat kedua negara. Namun mereka juga berpikir apa yang terjadi dengan Odelia Manohara Pinot tidak terjadi.
Raul sendiri mungkin bimbang, dia harus menentukan sikapnya untuk mempertahannkan keharmonisan keluarganya atau bisa tertarik dengan KD kalau memang dialah penyebabnya.
Kalau sampai terjadi perasaan sama, istri akan mengambil alih semua harta kekayaan perusahannya yang selama ini dia “Goza”. Kita tunggu aja apa yang terjadi. (pm-ili)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gusmao's daughter 'gave up food company shares'

ABC News
"Gusmao's daughter 'gave up food company shares"
By Sara Everingham
East Timorese Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has defended himself against allegations he broke his country's laws by signing a contract with a company his daughter had a stake in.
On June 26, the ABC reported that it had obtained documents that showed Mr Gusmao's daughter, Zenilda Gusmao, was a major shareholder of Prima Foods - one of a group of companies awarded contracts to import rice to East Timor by the end of 2008.The ABC reported that Mr Gusmao signed off on a $US3.5 million ($4.2 million) contract with Prima Foods.It was reported Zenilda Gusmao had an 11 per cent share in the company and that according to the laws in East Timor the prime minister cannot sign off on contracts with a company in which a family member has more than a 10 per cent stake.The Prime Minister says he is an honest man and his deputy says documents showing Ms Gusmao gave up her shares before the contract was signed are authentic.PM's angerIt is clear Mr Gusmao is angry about the allegations of corruption against him.At a recent press conference he said the stories were fictitious and he does not like media that report rumours.He said in East Timor the people "scream" for the media to grow in its capacity and responsibility so that they do not publish stories that are based on rumours and not facts, and he said Australia was a developed country where rumours had been reported.East Timor's deputy prime minister, Jose Luis Guterres, says there are documents to support the government's position that Ms Gusmao had given up her shares in Prima Foods before the contract was signed off on."I was also very much unhappy with allegations from some of the journalists in Australia," Jose Luis Guterres said."But I believe that after the clarifications, things will be clearer, clear, all clear, but I can say to you that we follow our rules. I can tell you that we take seriously the question of corruption allegations and also we are very serious that we pass the law ... and that the law was approved and managed in the Parliament to create the corruption commission."Two documents indicating that Ms Gusmao sold her shares in September 2008 were posted on the website of the East Timorese newspaper, Tempo Semenal, on August 3.The editor of the newspaper, Jose Belo, told the ABC he could not confirm the authenticity of the documents.InvestigationsIn a statement ABC News says it is eager to further investigate this story and follow up Mr Gusmao's allegations in relation to recent coverage.It says the East Timorese government has denied the ABC's many requests for access to documents which reportedly support the prime minister's case.East Timor's Ombudsman, Sebastiao Ximenes, is investigating the way in which the rice contracts were awarded.He has confirmed that he received a letter from President Jose Ramos Horta, dated June 2, calling for an investigation.In the letter, Mr Ramos Horta said: "There is a widely held view that contracts for the supply of rice are being awarded without proper tender processes, involving collusion and cases of corruption. The persistence of such views is harmful to the good operation of our democracy and it is important that this situation be clarified quickly and thoroughly."

Monday, August 31, 2009

Polemika Tenderisasaun Sosa Traktor Entre MAFF, MoF vs Vice II Primeiru Ministru Assuntu Administrasaun Rejolvidu

Hare husi Intent to Award nebe asinadu Sr Manuel Monteiro no Sr Francisco C Soares nebe hasai iha data 27/8/09 no hatun husi media hotu iha dia 29/809 hanesan fo ona solusaun ba polemika nebe iha durante fulan hirak nia laran entre Assanami no Emilia Pires versus Vice II PM Ir Mario Viegas Carrascalao durante ne’e. Tamba kontradisaun nebe iha mai husi protesta no akujasaun falsifikasaun nebe mai husi MAFF no MoF ba companha Costa Motor. Antes ne’e tender nebe manan husi Global Brothers lda nebe mak lidera husi Yan Suryo Prabowo nebe belun diak ho Ir Mariano Assanami Sabino nebe manan primeiru etapa tender traktor. Segundu etapa mos fo ona ba kompania GB ne’e, maibe iha kontradiksaun no protesta husi empresarius nasional nebe hamusu desentidementu no deskunfiansa husi PM Xanana nebe fo instrusaun ba Vice II PM Ir Mario hodi kancela tia tender refere no halo re-tenderisasaun ikus nebe munu ba Costa Motor no halo Assanami la satisfas no la simu dejisaun refere. Nufin, loby nebe halo husi Dili - Surabaya husi MAFF-MoF kontra fali companha Costa Motor no desisaun Vice II PM hamusu polemika bot liu tamba ho akujasaun ba falsifikasaun dokumentu husi kompanha iha Indonesia kontra kompanha Costa Motor. La hatene osan hira mak gastu uja ba loby atu halo akujasaun ida ne’e. Informasaun (lakonfirmadu) nebe mak ema hotu hatene katak Global Brother hatama tia ona traktor balun nebe mak sai hanesan forsa atu manan tender no aumenta tan “loby” nebe nia konfia los atu manan tan tender ne’e hanesan belun diak ho ema nebe mak iha forsa atu hasai dejisaun.
Konflitu bo'ot ida ne'e resolvidu tamba iha intervensaun dreita husi PM Xanana ba kaju ida ne’e tamba nia lakohi polimika ne’e sai bo’ot liu no bele hamosu konflitu interese entre bloku AMP nia laran nebe mak ukun dadaun. Ho rajaun ida ne’e, dejisaun foun tun no kontratu ba tender traktor nebe nia valos USD$8,2 Milloens munu ba kompanha rua ne’e hotu ( Global Brother Lda: $ 5,6 Milloens no Costa Motor Lda; $2,6 Milloens).
Iha parte seluk atu empresarius nasional para labele “halo an” demais PM mos ho inisiativu liu husi colaborasaun ho Associacao dos Empresarios de Timor Leste nebe lideradu Sr Julio Alvaro fahe ona projetus ba fulan hat nian ba Empresarius local (pakote referendum) ho montante total $30 Milloens nebe mos hamosu kritika husi partidu balun tamba la tuir regimentu esekusaun orsamentu estadu no lei (stl 3/9/09). Projetus ne’e ba area infrastruktura, Saude no Educasaun, maibe empresarius sira sei halo projetu fulan hat nian ne’e ho laran taridu tamba karik sira sei hetan “black list” bainhira la kompleta projetus ne’e antes dia 31 de Desembru 2009. (pm-ed)

Rekrutamentu iha Ministeriu du Negosiu Estranjeiro Deskunfia nakuno ho Nepotismu

Hanesan hatun husi JN Diario 1/9/09, Funcionarius MNE deskunfika ba sira nia Ministeriu nebe halo rekrutamentu foin dadauk ne’e nakonu ho Nepotismu tamba sira nain hitu nebe pasa nain lima husi divisaun ida deikt nebe balu nunka iha experiensia ba assuntu politiku maibe sira pasa, hanesan husi finansa no husi divisaun informasaun no teknolojia (IT). Karta komunikadu protesta nebe haruka ba media balun hatun iha dia 1/9/09 katak sira la satisfas ho resultadu ijame nebe iha no deskunfia nain lima nebe husi divisaun ida ne’e hetan jawaban kunci ka key unswer antes de ijame. Karta komunikadu ne’e sira nain valu asina haruka ba media no hato’o ba Primeiru Ministu, Vice PM Carrascalao, PGR Ana Pesoa no MNE Zacarias Albano. Foncionarius nebe mak assina karta komunikadu ne’e mak hanesan ; Alisa da Silva, Cidalia Tilman Alves, Tadeu Soares, Ivonia Lemos, Hermenina, Inez Morreira, Adelina Martins no Cesaltina da Silva.

Kaju hanesan nebe lewanta husi Media iha fulan hirak liu ba mos kualia kona ba rekrutamentu iha Kabinete Presidente da Republika, iha tempu neba ema balun nebe derepente tama no servisu iha neba deskunfia husi odamatan kotuk alias iha nepotismu.

Tuir Popular Monitor (pm) nia hare kuaje ke kasu sira ne’e kumesa husi lewantamentu la iha follow up no kaju sira hanesan sai ona kustume ema sira nebe servisu iha fatin governu. Ida tan mak tamba sa mak halo recrutamentu no anunsiu vaga ba publiku, se diresaun ida buka ema atu rekruta maibe ikus mai hili fali sira iha ona kabinete laran ? Se hanesan ne’e entaun rekursu Humanu (HR) iha departementu ne’e tenke iha sistema ida ke diak no halo deit avaliasaun ba funsionarius no halo mudansa, depois mak rekruta staff foun ba fatin nebe mamuk ona no anunsia publikamente. Atu halakon buat sira ne’e Senhor Vice Primeiru Ministru Mario Viegas Carrascalao mak hanesan Expertise ba asunto refere, ne’edune presija fo sansaun maka’as ba ema nebe hahalok aat hanesan ne’e, hanesan nia uluk halo ba Aziz iha 1984, ne'eduni ita hein deit nia resultadu tamba nia hatene saida mak atu halo ba keijas nebe botuk iha neba. (pm-ed)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Artista Timor Oan husu Governu atu Promove Sira

Hanesan ita hotu hatene, kualker aniversariu iha Timor Leste, Estadu no Governu hasai osan ou husu sponsu osan ba empresarius sira no doadores internasionais atu konvida artista muszika husi rai liur liliu husi Indonesia. Ita hotu hatene katak atu kovida artista ida ke hanesan naran bo’ot iha sira nia rain presija mos selu ho osan bo’ot no prepara akomodasaun sira seluk. Buat ne’e ne’e iha parte ida positivu, maibe iha mos preukupasaun husi ita nia povu balun kestiona karik osan sira ne’e bele halo ba dejenvolve sira nia kbi’it atu hasai sira husi mikit, kiak no terus nebe mak sai kansaun ka “hino” dejenvolvimentu iha teritoriu Timor Leste. Hanesan iha nasaun balun, purejemplu Brunai Darussalam, ninia Liurai Sultan Hasnanbulkiah iha osan atu selu kotu artista sira tuir merkadu artista international atu ba sira nia rai no halo konvivu ba sira nia povu ka ba Familias Liu Rai nian, maibe ita hatene katak kondisaun ekonomia Timor Leste la hanesan Brunai Darussalam, ita bele dehan sira kiak la iha. Saida mak Popular Monitor rona komantariu husi povu ki’ik sira dehan ida ne’e hanesan rega minamorin ba manu ten sira dehan katak ida ne’e buat ida atu taka ami matan, para ami kontenti haluha susar no kikak, mais keta haluhan mina morin nebe rega ba manu ten ne’e kuandu anin hu ona la kleur nia dois fali. Nebe preukupasaun ida ne’e hanesan povu povu nia halerik no preukupasaun prisija fo atensaun maka’as no hadia iha tempo badak ne’e, laos ita kualia iha tempu badak nebe ba bebeik no haluha tiha deit.

Iha parte seluk governu mos presija fo atensaun no promove Astista Musika National. Hanesan saida mak Zida Martins dadalia ho Jornal Timor Post nebe hatun iha 31/8/09. Nia dehan katak artista Timor Oan sira mos fiar an katak bele, maibe sira sente “tidak dihiraukan”. Zida hateten katak ita gava liu Artista husi rai seluk maibe laliga tiha “produtu local” nebe ita dejenvolve nia kualidade mos sei la lakon husi rai seluk. Ida preukupasaun katak governu tenke dejenvolve ita nia kultura iha areas hotu hotu liuliu ba muzika. Servisu ida ne’e lolos halao husi Ministerio Edukasaun no Kultura ho nia diresaun konpetente. Iha mos ita Assesor ba ita nia Primeiru Ministru ba Kultura nian nebe kaer husi irmao Armando Soares nebe mos kuinesidu artista muzika Timor nian iha pasadu, Irmao Tony Pereira mos iha hanoin atu loke eskola mizika iha tempu future maibe presija kapasita sira para atu realija sira nia mehi ne’e. Pergunta ida hanesan bainhira mak ita atu hanoin dejenvolve no kapasita astista Timor oan sira atu kompete ho nasaun seluk no multi linguajen? (pm-Ili)